Fri, May 26
Gomer & Hosea: A story of love, forgiveness and redemption!

Time & Location
May 26, 2023, 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Vernon, 10357 Columbia Way, Vernon, BC V1H 2B6, Canada
About the event
Women of the Biible: We are reading about Gomer, from the book of Hosea. Please read this story in your Bibles and come ready to discuss this heart moving story about, Love, Forgiveness and Redemption!
For your interest:
Previous books read were:
1: "Smoke and Ash" by: Virginia Dansereau & Sue Urquhart
2: "The Shack" by Wm Paul Young ( We also watched the feature film.)
3: The Corry Ten Boom Story "The hiding place" By by John Sherrill, Elizabeth Sherrill and Corrie Ten Boom.
4: We read the Story of Hagar found in 1 Samuel of your Bible. ,We are looking at the women of scripture as a series for the time being.
5: Please read Hosea and find out about Gomar for the next bookclub on May 26th. 7pm We will also watch a movie clip that will expalin the historical context and meaning behind this story and how it impacts us today.